What is The People's Pub Partnership? 

A completely new kind of managed pub company, uniquely fit for the demands of the 21st century business and society. It is designed to bring positive radical, exciting, and long lasting change to the British pub sector by truly putting pubs at the heart of their communities.

PPP will be well funded, commercially savvy, fast growing and hard hitting with the economy of scale and buying power needed to take on private developers, supermarkets, fast food chains, betting shops and other commercial players in the pub sector who are shamefully letting down Britain's pubs, the communities they serve, our national heritage, deep traditions and very sense of place.
It will buy freehold pubs, refurbish them to the highest standards of energy efficiency and create welcoming, comfortable, attractive businesses that respond to the individual character of their architectural origins and the needs of their local community and neighbourhood.

PPP will raise at least £5 million capital in modest amounts from many thousands of people in the biggest crowd funded public offering in history. It will use that money responsibly, effectively with skill and foresight to radically change the way business is done in the pub industry FOREVER with the ethos that, as well as for profit, pubs should be for people, planet and about our futures. PPP will create financially sustainable positive social and environmental impact; stable, structured career and life skills progression for staff; great customer satisfaction and maximum impact on their communities who will be involved in this exciting new partnership for change.

WHY the People's Pub Partnership?

Because it doesn't HAVE to be like this.

Britain's littered with boarded up pubs already and thousands more are failing, just waiting to become Tesco Locals, betting shops, 'luxury' homes or local eyesores. This is affecting communities all over the UK. People feel powerless in the onslaught of this unprecedented national cultural crime. It doesn't have to be like this…